Schedule of Arrivals

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area

Journey to a Land of Water Wind and Fire

Part B: The Oregon Coast III b

Into the Woods

The John Dellenback Trail was not all large sand dunes. It was also a trail through an area with a diverse population of Flora. It was a trail that took us past a stream flowing freely.

And it was a trail where the woods were definitely larger than the ones we had seen the day before at the Day Use Area.

Not only were the trees larger, some of them were entirely new species for us (but not for J. who quickly told us the name of each species we saw), such as this truly beautiful Pacific Madrone tree.

But ultimately, the John Dellenback trail led us through the Dunes past many vast patches of sand covered with what seemed to us, sparce vegation which was barely holding on.

I say "seemed" when I talk about how the plants were barely able to hold on, because around one bend in the trail I came to this patch of "sand meadow" and the sign that went with it:

The sign stated that this is "A Thriving Rare Plant Community." It went on to list all the different species found in this seemingly vacant patch of sand. Further, many of these plants were rare and on the endangered list.

All in all, the John Dellenback trail was a trip well worth taking, and all three of us enjoyed it immensely.

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