The name comes, we think, from the color of the water, which is not really a Blue at all, but rather a Blue Green. Of course, when we lived in that area, we also found out that locals said the name stemmed from the fact that the water was always cold, even on the hottest summer day, and thus anyone who went swimming in it turned Blue.
Whatever the genesis for the name, the spot has alway rated up there as one of our all-time most beautiful spots. With tall trees (a lot of them Eastern Hemlock), and other flora, and lots of fauna this is a very popular place. This is a favorate spot for the fly fishermen and also a favorite hunting spot for many a "Great White Hunter" in search of deer, turkey, grouse, and even the occasional Black Bear.
But neither one of us are into the "guns & hunting" thing, even though we love small towns (sorry about that Obama) and so we were content to see some Mint in bloom, and the start of the Rhododendron blooms (sorry for the dark picture, but they are an under-story plant in the forest).
So, Happy West Virginia Day!
(You too, VP Cheney)
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