From time to time, as it has been possible, Alice and I attend Annual meetings of various corporations that we have an interest in. This year, it just so happened, that our trip to New York coincided with the Annual Meeting of Citi Group. We knew from the pre-meeting mailings that unlike other meetings this one would be "interesting," and indeed it was. It was so interesting that no guests were allowed, and so Alice went by herself, and I walked around mid-town. We took the bus into town early that morning and found we were only a short blockand a half from the Hilton, where it was held. We walked over, found the meeting room, and then I left while Alice went in. While she sat there and listened to the various "debates", I roamed mid-town taking pictures.
Alice's meeting was right across the street from the Radio City Music Hall. However, it being early morning, nothing was going on there. As I gathered from the display boards outside, it no longer is a movie theater with a chorus line, but is more of a venue for various "cultural" and "political" forums. No, for me, the highlight of my time was getting to see the building where Kathy worked. She had been telling us for some time that it was not close to St. Patrick's, nor was it particularly close to Rockefeller Center where John's school was. I found out that day that she was certainly correct. It is quite a hike to both from here building. ( So as not to embarrass her, I did not go in.)
After walking around a little more after the meeting, we took the bus back to the Riverdale Apartment. As we rode back, we got this tremendous view of both "old" Yankee Stadium, and its new "replacement" which is being built. I understand this is the last year to attend a game in "the house that Ruth built." But I also understand that tickets to the games are almost impossible to attain.
That evening, we had a nice family dinner and GrandMom and Pops got to watch John as he scooted around the apartment on his new bike. He wasn't using the pedals yet, but Pops helped him work on that concept.
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